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LifeStart International visited its first site in Ada, Ghana during Summer 2023.

The need is huge all over the world. We need to start from somewhere and felt Ghana met all our criteria in terms of need, existing potential partnerships, social links, government support, stability and more. 

LifeStart International has an elaborate global vision but it is the desire of management to focus first on Ghana, see things established properly before announcing next steps. 

LifeStart International salutes the many organizations that support underprivileged women and children around the world. Moreover, we see that the need is still so great. We therefore strive to meet the complex needs of the communities we serve in a more holistic manner and empower mothers to provide the best care to their infants. We focus on the physical/medical, social, emotional, spiritual and financial needs of the family and tailor our services accordingly.

Our main priority is to see remarkable improvements in the quality of life of underserved women and children worldwide. We realize that this ambitious goal requires the joint efforts of local and international volunteers and organizations who genuinely share this same vision. Therefore, we are happy to liaise with like-minded groups and individuals who want to see lives changed for the better.

We need a lot of hands and welcome people with all sorts of skill-sets. Please check out our page dedicated to volunteers. 

Let us change a life today….. together!

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